» Unusual animals and Mysterious
In this world, many found strange animals and mysterious intriguing, not only among scientists but also ordinary people, to see, learn, and understand it. But not infrequently, because of the emergence of the creatures are very rare so it can only be seen by some people, or because it is very dangerous, these creatures eventually just be a complement to literature courses or just a legend is told from mouth to mouth. Here are 13 strange creatures and mysterious that the data obtained from various sources.
1. Ahool
This animal is shaped like a bat, monkey-headed, big-eyed and black, and her dark-gray fur. His body can be for children aged one year with a wingspan can reach 10 feet (3 meters). This animal was first seen by Dr.Ernest Bartels in 1925 when it was down the Mount Salak, West Java. At that time Ernest was Exploring the waterfalls on the slopes of the mountain, and suddenly a giant bat swooping over his head.
In 1927, around 11:30 at night, when Ernest Bartels lay in his bed in a hut near the river Tji djengkol, West Java, he heard a strange noise from the cabin. The voice that reads "... Ahool Ahool ...". Ernest took the torch and examine the origin of the sound, and saw a giant bat that she saw in 1925. Finally, this animal is called Ahool.
2. Agogwe
This animal was first known to exist in about 1900 by Captain William Hitchens, but only delivered to the public in 1937. William find this creature in East Africa. According to him, Agogwe shaped like a man and walk by foot, but it was small like a dwarf, as well as reddish fur on his body. William said, Agogwe he saw resembled a man, but only 4 feet tall. In 1938, a man named Cuthbert Burgoyne also see Agogwe in East Africa. There is a theory which states that if Agogwe gracile australopithecines may include species, one species of primate that ever lived in Africa, but has been extinct for thousands of years ago.
3. Andean wolf
These animals were rarely seen, but known to frequently roam around the Arctic Sea and in North America. This animal is unique, because only this type only in species of dog or wolf that is not hairy, so it's skin slippery. But the funny thing is, in the head and tail of the animal is actually growing yellow fur.
4. Cat Fox
This animal was discovered by a group of scientists World Wild Fund (WWF) in 2003 while carrying out research in the area of the Kayan Mentarang National Park, Kalimantan, but only published in 2005. These animals like foxes, but the red-skinned, and larger than a cat. Interestingly, these animals also have a pair of hind legs longer than front legs, and has a long muscular tail. Once published, the world scene and the media immediately proclaimed it as the most important findings in the last century, because finding a new species last occurred in 1895 when in the jungles of Kalimantan, scientists also discovered a type of mongoose mongoose carnivores called ferrets borneo melogale everetti or Badger.
5. Tasmanian Tiger
Animals Thylacinus cynocephalus Latin name, is a carnivorous marsupial of modern animal ever known. Considered as a tiger, because its back is generally patterned stripes like a tiger. But some are calling the wolf, because the shape of his head was like a wolf. Animals that live in the continent of Australia and Papua island was declared extinct in the 20th century. In Australia, these animals became extinct thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans to the continent of kangaroos, but had to survive on the island of Tasmania with a number of other endemic species, including the Tasmanian devil. That sebabanya behind its name there are additional words Tasmania. Fossils recovered from this animal species indicates that he lived around the Miocene.
6. Tsuchinoko
This animal was reported seen in several regions in Japan, except Hokkaido and the Islands Ryukku. Even the name comes from the population Tsuchinoko Kansai region which includes Kyoto, Mie, Nara, and Shikoku, which means 'animal'. In the Kanto region, this animal is called bachihebi. Tsuchinoko shaped like a snake, but the bottle atu paunchy like bowling pins, and a small tail-like rats. But until now the existence of the animal has never been proven (cryptid), and also had never been arrested. Allegedly, this occurred because in addition to the beholder feel fear, this animal also fled when the beholder. Some local governments in Japan have to lure money to 100 million yen for anyone who can catch these animals, but to no avail.
7. Yeti
Similar to Bigfoot, appears in the Himalayan region. For residents around the forest in the mountainous region, this animal is a forest ranger, and should not be hunted. Yeti or Dreaded Snowman is a kind of large human-like primates that inhabit the region of the Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet. Name Yeti and Meh-Tea umummnya used widely by people in the region, and is regarded as historical narratives and myths that are still mysterious. People also call it bonmanche Nepal which means wild man, or kanchanjuga rachyyas, which means Kanchanjunga devil.
8. Mongolian Death Worm
These animals live in the Gobi Desert, and greatly feared by the people of Mongolia. Although including the types of worms, these animals can have up to 1.2 meters long, like a snake-bodied, plump, red, and capable of killing prey, including humans, quickly and remotely. The Mongol legends mentioned, if it will attack its prey, these animals will lift part of his body, and then opened her mouth wide, and spitting deadly poison that makes the prey was killed. After that, the prey eaten. The Mongols call this animal with allghoi khorkoi, which means the worm intestine, as if viewed at a glance, it's like a giant worm intestine. Although this animal called the Mongolian Death Worm, the scientists believe, this animal is not the kind of worms, because worms will not survive in the hot desert, dry, and barren. They believe, this kind of animal venomous snakes, but this hypothesis had not been proven accuracy.
9. Ogopogo
Sea monster that is similar to Nessie in Loch Ness lake. The difference was found in Ogopogo Lake Okanagan, Canada. Topics for discussion on the existence of this mysterious animal has been heard since 1850, where earlier in the year for the first Ogopogo reveal itself to the tourists and locals.
Eyewitnesses who saw it said, the animal is big boned, dark-colored and has a long body shape. He emerged from the lake bottom to the surface of the water and swam to the middle. These animals appear quite long, so that the beholder can observe the figure and attitude, before finally returning to dive to the bottom. Initially, they thought they saw was a snake, but then they realized, that they see is a different animal, which finally called the Ogopogo.
10. Mokele-Mbembe
These animals exist in the urban legends of the Congo, Africa, who live along the river flow. Mokele-mbembe Even the name comes from the Lingala language, the language of one of the local tribes, which means "something that secures the flow of the river". As the name implies, this animal was living in surrounding rivers. Even the western likens this animal is like a monster living in Loch Ness Lake.
Mokele-mbembe bodied like an elephant, but the long-necked. Tails and small heads of this creature, and her brown-gray, so there are descriptions of similar animals that have been extinct sauropods. These animals eat the plants are large, and according to legend, these animals usually forage in the river bend. Village Community Boha, one of the villages in the Congo, consider these animals as creatures intangible, though convinced of its existence.
11. Jersey Devil
These animals like horses, but has a width of horns and wings shaped like bat wings. These animals also have hands, and stood on two legs. Animals called the Leeds Devil is a legendary cryptid creatures, who inhabit the Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey, United States. Although his identity remains a mystery, but in 1909 more than 1,000 people in 30 cities in America, especially around New Jersey, claimed to have seen it.
12. Mothman
Mothman human means moth, but the Mothman more closely resembles some species of birds are commonly described as a creature with wings and tall man, red-eyed, sometimes appears without a head with red eyes in the chest. Mothman is an urban legend that is quite popular in Virginia, USA. As has been noted in the book titled 'The Mothman Prophecies' by John A. Keel, strange animals that have wings are known as the human body has the shape and gray. Mothman name itself is taken from the villain in a Batman comic book story.
13. Buru
Lizard with a length of 15 feet and dark. Found in the Himalayas and is believed to have been extinct.
Those are some strange animals and mythical presence circulating in the community, part of the world. How about you? Was ever seen?
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